Audit of organizations in the field of health

The customer of the Health Audit is an owner of the medical institution

The purpose of such an audit is

– Assessment of quality of the medical institution management;

– Identification of system errors in the field of security and the prevention of administrative and criminal offenses;

– Supplement of investment report.

Our company can not only provide a medical organization with the assurance that their medical accounting do not have any significant distortions, the activity meets the licensing requirements, but can also give recommendations on various issues that go beyond the usual audit opinion.

The approach, adopted in our company to consulting and auditing medical organizations and institutions, is based on understanding of the specifics of medical institutions and is aimed on identifying risks and their impact on financial and medical reporting data. It also provides an assessment of the effectiveness of the entire internal control system. Our experts will provide the management with a detailed report on all violations and deficiencies identified during the audit.